TO BE HAPPY OR SAD ?Hello there SPM leavers 👋. How's your day today ? Some of you might feel sad or might be happy. Well, let's put that aside now. I know how hard it is for not getting what you wanted. I used to feel the same way too. You know what ? I used to be one of the top students and the teachers do have high hopes for me. And I can say that I never really target low and always on the luckiest side. Unfortunately, during my SPM year, I found out that Life will not give you what you wanted. I targeted straight A+ for my SPM but it didn't achieve my target. That moment when my dad received the SMS i felt like running away from the Hall. My heart was broken into pieces on that day. Before anything could happen or even they announced the result i cried.can see that my father's eyes were full of disappointment. My mom tried to calm me down. And i don't know why on that day everyone was hoping on me. They kept calling my phone but i don't feel like picking up. My dad was speechless, he was quiet all the way back home. I know that he felt disappointed on me. The whole day i tried to calm myself thinking on the positive sides but i just couldn't make it. I cried to sleep. My brothers said to me that no matter what happens they still loves me. They said this is not the end of the world. Allah has a better plan for you. Who knows that my targeted result will give me negatives impact. The next day, i woke up thinking that a gloomy day is ahead me. My world is full of darkness. After a few days, I tried to be thankful and grateful for what i had achieved because i have done my part for studying and this is what i get. At least i am not the worst one. There are even worse result than minee. I tried looking for something in my life. Luckily, a few days i think after my result there was a message from UTP asking me to check my status on the application that i had applied. Alhamdulilah with all His blessing I managed to get in. My dad was happy again. He said that he was so worried that i could not further my studies because i am a girl.The competitions are many. WHAT NOW ?
Okay people said lucky you to enter one of the most Famous University with that kind of result. HOW DO YOU FEEL GUYS ????? It hurts okay. How could you talk to me like that. That is called 'REZEKI'. Well the cost of living here is not that expensive because it is still in Perak. There are many other cheap stalls here. But there is a BUT. The fees here is exepensive!!!(with the status of family ). I tried not to waste my money but i just can't resist myself especially when i see FOODS !!! OMG i just love foods. They are like seducing me HAHAHA.Okay now back to our topic... Well, I love studying here. I have my own freedom and my own pampered time to do whatsoever .But most importantly
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